Auto Adjusting CPAP Machine

    Auto Adjusting CPAP Machine Overview

    Auto Adjusting CPAP machines or APAPs adjust to your ideal pressure on a breath by breath basis. They can accommodate pressure changes from weight gain or loss, alcohol before bed and changing sleeping positions during sleep. They are very popular among savvy online shoppers for their advanced air flow settings and their support of therapy tracking software, off grid power options and heated humidification.

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    Auto-Adjusting Machines FAQs

      Why might I prefer an APAP machine?
    Some CPAP users find it more pleasant to breathe with an APAP than with CPAP. The pressure delivered by an APAP machine automatically changes as needed to deliver the minimal pressure required to maintain the airway. The pressure delivered by a CPAP machine is set to a single pressure, the highest necessary to keep the airway open as determined during the sleep study. This is the case even when the higher pressure is needed only a fraction of the time.
      What is the difference between C-Flex and A-flex?
    C-flex drops the pressure on exhale only. A-flex drops the pressure on the exhale but also helps with the transition from inhale to exhale.

    Did You Know?, Auto-Adjusting Machines

    • Auto adjusting CPAPs adjust to your breathing on a breath-by-breath basis.
    • All machines offer ramp capabilities. With ramp, your machine will build up to your pressure setting, instead of starting at full pressure.
    • If you are unsure of your selection, you can always read the user reviews for more information and a star rating.
    • Most auto adjusting machines have auto on / off capabilities. This means you don't have to turn your machine off when you take a bathroom break.

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